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Which is the best CMS in 2024?

Which is the best CMS in 2024?

Today, having a robust and responsive website is crucial. That's where Content Management Systems (CMS) come in handy and around 73 million websites use it. Whether you're a small business owner, a blogger, or a well-established organisation, knowing what a CMS is and how it can benefit your organisation is crucial for staying ahead.

In this article, we will briefly talk about why you should be using a CMS and how to choose one for your business.

What is a Content Management System (CMS)?

A Content Management System is a software application that makes building, organising, and updating websites easy, without using a single line of code. It is a control center where you can easily add, edit, delete, and rearrange all the content that is displayed on your website such as text, images, videos, and documents. 

Why is using a CMS necessary?

The perks are numerous. Having a good website that speaks to your audience and is up-to-date helps you, stay ahead of the competition and meet customers' expectations. A CMS helps build websites easily and makes it much easier to create and manage your online content, leading to a more efficient website and a better user experience for your visitors. 

Who should be using a CMS?

A CMS is a versatile tool that can benefit all kinds of organisations, big or small. Small businesses can use a CMS to create and maintain a professional website without having to hire a dedicated web developer. Larger enterprises can use a CMS to manage multiple websites and apps, with different team members able to contribute content without needing technical skills. Bloggers and content creators can use a CMS to easily publish new posts and organise their content in a way that's easy for readers to navigate. E-commerce stores can use a CMS to showcase and update their product catalog, manage orders, and provide a smooth shopping experience for customers. 

Confused, if you should even opt for a CMS? We can help!

Top 6 CMS platforms in 2024

With the abundance of Content Management Systems on the market, can be tough to pick the perfect CMS for your website development. To make things easier, below we have listed down some of the top CMS platforms that are set to take over in 2024.


With a massive 43.2% market share, WordPress is the most popular website-building platform today. The secret is being an open-source software that anyone can freely use and modify to their liking. This open collaboration ensures frequent updates with the latest features, security patches, and performance boosters. 

Pricing and Plans: $100 to over $100,000


Drupal has become the chosen CMS for website development for many high-traffic websites owned by large corporations, government entities, and educational institutions as it is open-source and is known for its versatility, scalability, and robust security measures. 

Pricing and Plan:

Drupal is available for free as it is open-source.


Joomla is an open-source content management system that is great for large companies and organisations. It offers various advanced features such as multilingual support and advanced user and content management options. Many people use Joomla to create membership sites, community portals, and social networking platforms. 

Pricing and Plan:

$0 to $199 per month


Squarespace is a modern competitor to WordPress, offering a closed-source content management system and website builder. Unlike WordPress, Squarespace does not allow users to download and host the software on their own servers. 

Pricing and Plans: 

$16 to $49 per month


ButterCMS is an API-driven content management system and blogging platform which means it is designed to seamlessly integrate with any existing application, regardless of the underlying technology stack.

Pricing and Plan:

$99 to $375 per month per year


Contentful is a headless content management system, meaning it separates content from its presentation layer. Instead of being tied to a specific web page, Contentful delivers content as data through an Application Programming Interface (API).

Pricing and Plans:

$0 to $300 dollars per month

Need help selecting the right CMS for your needs? Let’s connect on a 30-minute free consultation call.

How to choose the right CMS for your needs?

Picking the best CMS (Content Management System) for your website or app can be a bit tricky, but don't worry, we'll break it down for you. Here are some key things to consider:

Ease of use and user-friendly interface

You'll want a CMS that's easy to navigate, even for non-technical folks. A simple, intuitive interface will make managing your content easy.

Flexibility and customisation options 

Look for a CMS that allows you to customise your website to fit your specific needs. The ability to add new features, change the design, and integrate is a major plus.


As your business grows, your website grows too. Choose a CMS that can handle increased traffic, more content, and new features without slowing down.

Security and performance

Nobody likes a slow or unsafe website. Pick a CMS that prioritises security through regular updates and offers fast loading times for a smooth user experience.

Pricing structure

Some CMS are free, while others require a subscription or a one-time fee. Consider your budget and long-term costs when making your choice.

Community support and resources: 

A strong community of users and developers can be a lifesaver when you need help or want to learn more about your CMS.

Assessing your business requirements 

Before choosing a CMS, think about what you need it to do. Are you building a simple blog, an online store, or a complex website? Understanding your goals will help you pick the right CMS for the job.

Open-source vs. proprietary CMS: Which is Better?

Open-source CMS like WordPress and Drupal are free to use and modify, with a supportive community. Proprietary CMS like Squarespace and Wix are paid platforms with more limited customisation options, but they often offer easier setup and maintenance.

Choosing a CMS is a big deal for any business. Picking the right one will enhance your relations with the customers. The right CMS for you depends on your specific needs, skills, and budget. Take your time, do your research, and ask for help. Want some help in assessing your business needs and suggesting the right CMS for you? Let’s talk!

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