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A guide to developing a Learning Management System (LMS)

A guide to developing a Learning Management System (LMS)

Today, the means of learning have changed and are not restricted to just a classroom. We have been living in the era where learners have all kinds of resources around them to receive education in their own time from anywhere. One such resource is the Learning management system (LMS).

In this guide we will learn about what is a learning management system, types of LMS and its development process.

How can building an LMS help your organisation?

Learning management systems have been adopted by schools, colleges, online course providers and organisations. Learning management system is a content hub where educators or trainers can upload lessons, course materials, assignments along with tracking each student's progress. Even organisations are making the use of a learning management system for employee training. One of the best aspects of introducing an LMS is learners can access this from the comfort of their home and educators are still able to stay connected with them. Additionally, learning management systems offer a variety of tools such as quizzes, discussion forums, and multimedia resources to enhance the learning experience.

Benefits of using an Learning Management System:

Since the pandemic, the world has shifted to online learning platforms. This shift has not only changed the way students and teachers interact, but it has also highlighted the importance of technology in education. As we continue to navigate the challenges brought on by the pandemic, online learning platforms will likely play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of education.


Online learning platforms have allowed for more flexibility in when and where people can learn, as well as providing access to a wider range of resources and materials. Additionally, the use of a learning management system has made it easier for teachers to track student progress, provide feedback, and collaborate with colleagues. 

Self-paced learning

Everyone has different commitments throughout the day and managing time to learn gets extremely difficult. For busy professionals and students, the learning management system helps them to access their online courses or the training videos whenever they get some time on their convenience and availability.

Device compatibility

All the learning materials are organised, uploaded and stored on the learning management system. It acts as a centralised learning hub where you find all of your lessons at one place. These courses can be accessed on a mobile app or a web browser. 

Creative learning

Earlier, the lessons were limited to the blackboard and the ability of the teacher to explain. But modern learning management systems help trainors engage students and learners in different ways such as using videos, interactive quizzes, simulations, and gamified elements. These fun learning materials make it way more enjoyable to learn and help you remember things better.

Knowledge retention

The content provided in a learning management system can be accessed and revised anytime they are needed. It also saves the time of the learners when compared to the traditional learning methods. With regular revision and feedback, the performance of the learner also improves.

Cost effective and scalable

Building a learning management system can save you money compared to traditional classroom training, especially if you have a lot of learners and trainees. You have the option to either custom develop LMS or choose a third party LMS. Custom development of an LMS allows for complete customisation and control over the features and functionality of the system. On the other hand, choosing a third party LMS can help in terms of initial setup costs, as well as ongoing maintenance and support.

Types of Learning Management System

Learning management systems (LMS) come in various forms, each designed to cater to different learning environments and organisational needs. Here's a brief introduction to the most common types of top learning management systems.

1. Social learning LMS 

The social learning learning management system promotes collaboration among learners. It encourages them to work together and help each other out whenever needed using discussion forums and chat rooms.

Examples: EdApp, Schoology, Edmodo

2. Corporate LMS 

The corporate learning management system is specifically designed for the professionals and the customers at  organisations to deliver online training and education programs. It helps companies in performance tracking, certification management, and seamless integration with existing Human Resources (HR) systems. 

Examples: Docebo, Absorb LMS, TalentLMS

3. Academic LMS

Academic learning management systems are made for students at higher learning programs. The students engage with course material, collaborate with peers, and receive feedback from instructors. This becomes a dynamic and engaging environment where they can get personalised help and feedback from the teachers and improve.

Examples: Moodle, Canvas LMS, Blackboard

4. Cloud based LMS

Cloud learning management systems are hosted on the cloud meaning anyone having an internet connection can access it. As these courses are on the cloud, they need little to no maintenance neither they are occupying any space in anyone’s system. 

Examples: LearnUpon Limited, iSpring Learn, Litmos

5. Open source LMS

The open source learning management system helps organisations deliver free and customisable online courses. With access to the source code, developers can change and personalise the system to fit their specific needs. These platforms do require some technical knowledge but are a great choice for schools and organisations on a budget because they save money and offer a lot of flexibility.

Examples: Open edX, Chamilo LMS, Forma LMS

Need help selecting the one? Let’s connect over a free 30 minute consultation call.

Developing a Learning Management System

By now you should have a foundational understanding of what a learning management system (LMS) is and why it is necessary to have one. Though there are third party LMS which you can leverage but building a customised one specifically catered to your needs just enhances the user experience. So, let’s build one. 

Set your goals and objectives

Firstly, you need to define the purpose of your learning management system to develop a user centric product. You should know why you are creating an LMS and how it will help the people accessing it. Conduct a thorough research into similar LMS and get to know what essential features it should have and its limitations. You also need to have a clear understanding of your data and make sure it is free of any errors before beginning the LMS development.

Answer these questions: 

1. Who is it for? 

2. How does the LMS help the people?

3. What will be its non-negotiable features?

4. Who will be responsible for maintaining the system?

Define the core features of the LMS

In order to focus on specific features, it's important to understand your target audience and their needs. You also need to determine if you want a basic learning platform or if you require additional features such as progress monitoring and tracking. When creating a custom learning management system, you can request the developer to include these features and create easy-to-use login procedures and detailed progress reports.

Evaluate the need for:

1. Course management

2. User management

3. Assessment and testing

4. Reporting and analytics

5. Integration with existing systems

Schedule a free 30 minute consultation call to discuss your LMS requirements with our experts.

Choosing the right technology stack

Now we're getting down to the nitty-gritty of development. Choosing the right programming language for your learning management system depends on what kind of system you want to create. There are four key components to consider:

1. Front-end technologies handle the look and feel of your LMS. To create a responsive web design, you can use HTML, CSS, or JavaScript. You can also explore frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js.

2. Back-end technologies are the backbone of your LMS, supporting the functions on the user interface. Choosing server-side languages like Python, Ruby, Node.js, or PHP ensures smooth operation and a high quality user experience.

3. Hosting involves deciding between cloud-based services or on-premise servers. Cloud-based options like AWS offer scalability and a variety of features, while some may prefer on-premise solutions for offline access or specific data storage needs.

4. The database stores all course materials and user data. Choosing databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB ensures the right information is presented to users.

Lastly, consider integrating third-party solutions like video conferencing tools, authoring tools, and payment gateways to enhance your LMS.

Want to figure out the right technology stack for you? Let’s talk.

LMS development phase - Planning and design

As the development phase begins, you’ll get to the planning and design stage. First comes the user experience design, the way a user will interact with the system and will navigate from one page to another will be designed here. You’d want to create a user interface that is appealing and is intuitive for the user so that the experience is smooth and enjoyable. Moving on to the information architecture, this involves organising and storing the content in a logical manner. The goal is to be efficient and avoid getting lost or confused.

Create an MVP 

Wireframing and prototyping means you’ll be first developing a minimum viable product (MVP) of your learning management system. This is a blueprint , giving you insight into outlines of how the different pages and screens of the LMS will look and function. Prototypes are more advanced and interactive, allowing you to get a feel for how the actual system will work.

By creating wireframes and prototypes, you can identify any potential issues or areas for improvement before the actual development starts. It's like catching any problems with your house plans before you start laying the foundation.

Choosing the right development team

The way your product turns out also depends on the team you chose. You have two options here, either you can employ your in-house team to work on the LMS or outsource the IT project to a software development outsourcing company.

The difference between the two is that as compared to the in-house team , the skills that outsourcing teams possess are available. This means you will need to hire more people to work on a single aspect of the project and spend more money and training resources. The outsourcing companies have skilled developers with expertise in latest technologies and vast experience.

Amidst the layoffs, the tech companies are looking for more cost efficient and high quality development teams. According to a report, around 70% of companies outsource their IT needs.

Check out the top 10 software development outsourcing companies in the USA here.


Agile methodology allows for flexibility and adjustments in building projects. In learning management system development, work is done in short bursts, testing features and making changes before moving on. Developers write code like builders laying down a foundation, while quality assurance specialists ensure everything works correctly. Content creators add learning materials. When switching LMS platforms, existing content and user data is migrated over.


One of the most important steps is testing. Just like with any project, testing is crucial at the end to catch any issues. A developer can try their best, but there may be user issues that only become apparent after the learning management system is in use. It's important to have a team of testers create many different scenarios to thoroughly test the product. This step is often overlooked by in-house teams due to resources, but experienced LMS development outsourcing companies prioritise testing to ensure any necessary changes are made before the release.

Deployment and Maintenance

Setting up and maintaining a learning management system means you need to carefully choose where it will be hosted and set it up properly. Continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) removes any sort of arising errors. And with the ongoing support of the outsourcing development teams, you can be assured that the LMS runs smoothly. By properly setting up hosting, implementing CI/CD, and providing ongoing support, your LMS will be a reliable platform for delivering high-quality learning experiences.

If you want to make sure your LMS is top-notch, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First off, you'll want to prioritise user authentication and authorisation, as well as data encryption to keep everything secure. It's also important to comply with regulations like GDPR, FERPA, and HIPAA. And don't forget about scalability and performance! As your LMS grows, you'll want to focus on load balancing, caching, and content delivery networks (CDNs) to keep things running smoothly.

Leverage our expertise in building secure, scalable, and data-driven LMS solutions.

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